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Need Analysis

Now i will explain to you about Need analysis....
What should the teacher  do before teaching ?
Why teacher need to do need analysis?
For more explenation, lets see the discussion below.............  


Need analysis refers to activities involved in gathering information that will serve as the basis for developing a curriculum that will meet the learning needs of a particular group of students. Need analysis is retalively new in language teaching circles. Need analysis have been conducted informally for years by teacher who wanted to assess what the language points their students needed to learn.
One basic assumptions of curriculum developments is
that a sounds educational program should be based on an analysis of learners’ needs. Procedures used to collect information about learners’ need are known as need analysis. If providers of training programs wanted public or other sources of funding in order to provide different kinds of training programs, they were required to demonstrate that a proposed a response to a genuine need. Need analysis was introduced into language teaching through the ESP movement.
The purposes of need analysis :
a.       To find out what language skill a learner need in order to perform a particular role, such as sales manager, tour guide, or university student
b.      To help determine if an existing course adequately addresses the needs of potential students
c.       To determine which student from a group are most in need of training in particular language skills
d.      To identify a change of direction that people in a reference group feel is important
e.       To identify a gap between what student are able to do and what they need to be able to do
f.       To collect information about a particular problem learners are experiencing

Leaners are not consulted as to whether they perceive a need for such knowledgr. Their needs have been decided for them by those concerned with their long-term welfare. Needs analysis thus invludes the study of perceived and present needs as well as potential and unrecognized needs. Need analysis may take place prior to, during, or after a language program. Much of the literature on need analysis is based on assumption that is is part of the planning that takes places as part of the development of a course. It assumes that time and resources are available to plan, collect, and analyze relevant information for a planned program of instruction

A.    What are the learners need ?
Needs are often described in terms of a linguistic deficiency, that is as describing the difference between what a learner can presently do in a language and what he or she should be able to do. This suggests that needs have objective reality and are simply the waiting to be identified and analyzed. Auerbach (1995,9) has pointed out that English language teaching has often been viewed as a \ “ neutral transfer odf skills, knowledge, or competencies” and that such an approach is based on the needs of social intitutions, rather than language learners, and ignores questions of power : “ pedagogical choices about curriculum development, content, materials, classroom process, and language use, although appearing to be informed by apolitical professional considerations are in fact inherently ideological in nature, with significant implications for learners socioeconomic”

B.     Who will be involved in the needs analysis ?
Four categories of people may become involved in a needs analysis :
1.      The target group, is made up of those people about whom information will ultimately be gathered. The usual target group is the students in a program, but sometimes the teachers and/  or administrator are also targeted.
2.      The audience for a needs analysis should enompass all people who will eventually be required to act upon the analysis. This group usually consist of teachers, teachers aides, program administrators, and any governing bodies or supervisors in bureaucracy above the language program.
3.      The needs analysis are those persons responsible for conducting the needs analysis. They may be consultants brought in for the purpose, or members of the faculty designated for the job. In addition to conducting the needs analysis, this group will probably be responsible for identifying the others three groups.
4.      The resource group consist of many people who may serve as source of information about the targer group. In some contexts, parents, financial sposors, or guardians may be included as source of valuable information about the target group.

The users of needs analysis
A need analysis may be conducted for a variety of different users. For example, in conducting a needs analysis to help revise the secondary school English curriculum in a country, the end users include :
a.       Curriculum officiers in the ministry of education, who may wish to use the information to evaluate the adequacy of exixting syllabus, curriculum, and materials
b.      Teachers who will teach from the new curriculum
c.       Learner, who will be taught from the curriculum
d.      Writers, who are preparing new textbooks
e.       Testing personnel, who are involved in developing end-of-school assessment
f.       Staff of tertiary institution, who are interested in knowing what the expected level will be student exiting the schools and what problemls they face
In any situation where needs analysis is being undertaken, there are thus different stakeholders, that is those who have a particular interest or involvement in the issues or programs that are being examined, and it us important to try to get a sense of what their different agendas are.
Connelly and Clandinin (198, 131-132) suggest that when a group of persons are working on a curriculum committee or trying to solve a curriculum problem they should think of the planning process as a curriculum stakeholder situation and ask the following question :
1.      What is the purpose of the curriculum situation ?
2.      Of there is a group, what is the makeup of the group ?
3.      Who set up the project ?
4.      How were the group’s membership and purpose established ?

C.    The target population
The target population in a needs analysis refers to the people about whom information will be collected. Typically, in languge programs these will be language learners or potential language learners, but others are also often involved depending on whether they can provide information useful in meeting the purposes of the needs analysis. For example, in conducting a needs analysis to determine the focus of an English program in public secondary schools in an EFL context, the target population might include : policy makers, ministry of education officials, teachers, students, academics, employers ,and etc.

D.    Administering the needs analysis
Planning a needs analysis involves deciding who will administer the needs analysis and collect and analyze the result. Needs analyses vary in their scope and demands, from a survey of a whole school population in a country to a study of a group of thirty learners in a single institution. For example, in a need analysis of the language needs od non English background students studying at a New Zealand university , the following were involved :
a.       The research team made up of two academics and a reasearh assistant
b.      Colleagues in different departments who discussed the project and viewed sample questionnaires
c.       Students who piloted the questionnaire
d.      Academic staff of the university who administered some of the questionnaires
e.       Secretarial support involved in preparing questionnaires and tabulating data
E.     Procedures for conducting needs analysis
A variety of procedures can be used in conducting needs analysis and the kind of information abtained is often dependent on the type of procedure selected. Procedures for collecting information during a needs analysis can be selected from among the following;
a.       Questionnaires, are either based on a set of structured items or unstructured. Structured items are much easier to analyze and are hence normally preferred. A disadvantage of questionnaires, however is that information obtained may be fairly superficial or imprecise and will often need follow-up gain a fuller understanding of what respondents intent
b.      Self-rating, these consist of scales that student or others use to rate their knowledgr or abilities
c.       Interview, may often be useful at the preliminary stage of designing a questionnaire, since it will help the designer get a sense of what topics and issues can be focused on in the questionnaire
d.      Meetings,  a meetings allows a large amount of information to be collected in fairly short time
e.       Observation, observation of learners behavior in a target situation is another ways of assessing their needs.

Richards, Jack 2001. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching, Cambridge : Camridge

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